Friday, November 8, 2019

Title and description Essay Example

Title and description Essay Example Title and description Essay Title and description Essay A Project Manager is a responsible individual in a company, for performing several tasks such as Project Plan, execution of plan, team management and in assessing team performance. Further a project manager is also responsible for communication, status reporting, risk management and issues that could not be resolved in a team and even budgeting of project, schedule are some of the   essential roles of   a project manager. Project manager required to be efficient at the outset, in HR management, caliber, managerial skills and a complete professional knowledge about labor laws, which means Project manager is similar to one-man army wherein a specific tool is used when it is required. The job of project manager   is not so easy to perform whereas it requires excessive working and on site knowledge for executing projects on time with the assistance of project team. It can be added here that, a desk job held by an individual does not take much time to perform with the fact that the task is within the purview of individual whereas project manager has to consider the work and performance of project team with each individual possessing different moods and levels of working. Skills and responsibilities Therefore, the job of a project manager is a complex job which requires in depth knowledge of HR management and project management apart from considerable experience in project management. Apart from project team, project manager   is accountable to senior management viz., CEOs, CFOs, COOs and even VPs who from time to time require feed back and progress reports of projects indicating the level of work that is completed and explanations for delays. Construction management shoulders project manager with heavy responsibility of construction engineering work, terms with labor, keeping a stock of construction materials and above all, importantly completing the construction project within schedule, as per architectural design with perfect finishing. Project manager is confronted with maximum hurdles such as lack of or insufficient funds,   lack of efficiency in labor, lack of team spirit or up rise of raw material prices in the market or any such unforeseen accidents while implementing project plan. A thorough training must be offered to Project Manager who is qualified, experienced, dynamic and smart individual.   It must be well understood by the Project Manager that senior management looks for completion of projects   in scheduled time and in achievement of such goals, project manager has to act in a language of professional authority, taking the initiativeness and decision making powers to get the project completed within the time frame, which is essential duty of project manager. Project Manager can also consider the consent of other counterparts viz., team leaders, team committees, project director and project leader. In order to perform exceedingly well in the duty of project manager, neat and well written project plan, detailing each team member duties, schedules, time frames, progressive reports of phase-wise project   completion, must be prepared in advance by choosing one of the best project development model,   which offers a complete set of work schedules for   project management. Periodical meetings with team members, senior members, committee members, would enable a clear picture about project progress and also ensures corrective measures if there were any mistakes while executing projects.   Therefore the role of a project manger is that of hub in a wheel who is a driving force behind completion of projects in time, although it is a hard-labored job of dealing issues beginning from workforce to senior managers. Salary range and benefits A project manager is highly paid and rewarded with maximum benefits.   For instance an IT Project Manager in Florida receives low $60,454,   typical 71,897 and high $ 85,708, according to PayScale Salary calculator. This provides a fact that an IT Project Manager holds a very responsible position in a company with great responsibilities which is why, an attractive pay packet along with benefits such as holiday package, bonus payment and allowances are available for an IT Project Manager. Education and experience requirements For an IT Project Manager, a thorough and professional knowledge both theoretical and practical is required in systems administration and an award of IT Certification is further beneficial in getting the job in an easy process and especially if IT certification is specific in products, vendors and tasks, there is more opportunities for easy entry into the companies. Apart from certification regular reference with IT books,   practical experiences also add up the ability to produce effective results. Small and medium sized businesses are also opting for IT managers who are both qualified and experienced therefore, career opportunities in IT Project Managers are good for the present and for the future and with this supporting and evidencing fact,   career makers can avail this opportunity in mastering project manager certification and experience and be seated in a multinational company or an SME as a professionally qualified Project Manager. For a project manager, each day of working would provide a new working experience and adds to the field of experience whether it is in IT, consumer or a construction company.   The role of responsibility played by a project manager leads to a different working experience which varies from company to company.   Each company has certain limitations, expectations and specific duties and responsibility for a project manager and while considering the appointment, the candidate has to carefully examine, understand and analyse whether a justice to the specifications of job can be met with and only then accept appointment.   A clear SWOT analysis has to be made by a project manager before joining a company. Part 2 Interview Questions Interviews questions have to be quite professional, analytical and creative oriented such that the collective abilities of candidate both   academic, work experience and creativity must be calculated at the time of interview which produces an overall picture of candidate and further enables the interviewer to rate the candidate as Merit, First class, Second class or average Project Manager. The presentation skills,   body language, etiquette and code of dress are all added features   of a good project manager and companies look no further before selecting a right candidate. It is important for the candidates to give no impressive replies whereas produce answers in the right direction, right attitude with complacency. The following interview questions for the job of project manager are pre-meditated   : Ques.1   How do you evaluate yourself as a successful Project Manager? Ques 2   Were you encountered with heated situations which you solved technically and professionally with your own pursuance with   project team? Ques. 3   In the event of unmanageable situation, what is the first thing that you ever take up to do?   In order to reach a manageable solution for completion of a project. Ques. 4   Do you attribute your success of project completion to you personally or to the company   you work/worked for? Ques 5. What are elements of a successful Project Manager ? Part 3 Probable answers expected from the candidate by the interviewer: Ans 1. Rate myself as reasonably good project manager so far, as the projects handled by me are limited to a period of five years work experience wherein, there were no lacunae areas or unsatisfied results throughout the period of project management.   Senior management was content with the way the company’s projects were executed in a quite professional manner along with coordinators and co-workers.   As project manager, believe in encouraging team spirit and motivation which are driving force for speedy delivery of projects within time schedule. Ans.2   There were numerous situations, which were resolved without intervention of any senior member, by implementing and using skills, technical aspects, moral and social aspects which came to a halt in clearing confused areas while working.   This certainly necessitates extra flow of energy and checking of mindset of each individual as to what the other end is looking for and how important it is to satisfy workers or pacify emotions which reach to   high   levels in uncompromising status.   For that matter any situation has only two sides either positive or negative and these have to be handled respectively and cleared for moving ahead with work. Ans 3. Unmanageable situation do occur and personally never get carried away or loose temperament and instead sip a cup of coffee and draw / design a plan in five minutes and get back to the situation   and resolve without further delay.   Piling up of complex situations bring down the progress and slows the down the delivery of projects.     Therefore any hurdles that are encountered with, have to be faced practically and derive solutions without wasting time as one of the main aspects of project management is time management. Ans 4. Company provides authority, reputation and goodwill to Project Manager with an expectation that project manager would perform at a merit level and pays a good salary. Companies believe and trust Project Managers which is an intangible asset for the companies and project managers avail those good opportunities of projects and gain recognition by delivering projects within framework.   Therefore companies have to receive first hand acclamation and thereafter the second half of success belongs to project manager with the fact that skills, potential abilities and work experience were implemented in execution of projects. Ans 5. The first element of a successful project is scope of delivery whether it is in boardroom, videoconference   room or an auditorium with a question â€Å"what are we delivering?†Ã‚   and â€Å"what we are not delivering?†.   The second element is time, the third element is cost, the fourth element is quality and   fifth element is risk.   A project manager must collectively use all these five elements in order to deliver a successful project. The above interview questions were to be answered by an interviewee, a moderate, reasonable with brief description and presentation of answers would be made, with the fact that,   excessive flow of jargon may spoil or may lower the selection process. Everything that is said or written has to be brief, to the point and concise. In other words, usage of correct English, good selection of diction and appropriately spoken would be noble and impresses the interviewer. All kind of interviews may not be similar as it differs from company to company and it requires preparation before attending an interview and keep an update of interview skills and quality paper presentation.   Especially these globalised times, job opportunities for project managers are vast wherein talent pool is in great need and whoever matches with the perfect quality, proves lucky enough in reaping good awards of job placement apart from a winsome salary package and benefits. Conclusion Before opting for any career or job placement, a complete criteria of requisite academics, work experience and skills have to be met with by the candidate in order to perform in the course of employment.

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