Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Black Cat And The Tell Tale - 3559 Words

Regarded in the literary world as the architect of impeccably crafted short stories and poems, Edgar Allan Poe revitalized American literature. He was a main author in the nineteenth century during the movement of European literature. He is recognized as one of the leading progenitors of modern literature, in both horror and mystery fiction, and in its more complex and self-conscious form, which represent the essential artistic manner of the twenty century. He investigated the profound corners of the mind and its consciousness, with the abnormalities of his narrators. I will analyze two of Edgar Allan Poe’s most popular works, â€Å"The Black Cat† and â€Å"The Tell-Tale†, based on the effective use of characters, themes, setting, and literacy devices respectively; furthermore, I will highlight these concepts by comparing and contrasting their significance to each other. In â€Å"The Black Cat†, the use of an unstable narrator highlights the danger of emotions, which further emphasizes the intensity of his crimes. The narrator, a once a gentle lover of animals, looses himself due to his dependence of alcohol and due to his irrational actions murders his wife, animals and his beloved cat, Pluto, â€Å"hideous murder accomplished, I set myself forthwith, and with entire deliberation, to the task of concealing the body† (Poe, 1845) He loved his cat, a large, intelligent black cat that begins to ignore his owner after his violent transgressions in their home. The delusional narrator’s turningShow MoreRelatedThe Tell Tale Heart And The Black Cat786 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat† are two short stories written by Edgar Allan Poe. Both stories share the elements of death and outrageousness; both have frightening night time scenes as well. In both of the short stories the protagonis ts of both stories seem to have very little or nothing in common. Their marital status, living conditions, and responsibilities are very different. If the reader looks more closely, the two men appear alike in many ways: both share their criminal historyRead MoreThe Black Cat And The Tell Tale Heart957 Words   |  4 Pagesbrilliantly horrifying short stories. In the two short stories â€Å"The Black Cat† and â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart† Poe uses characterization to portray the guilt of the narrator. â€Å"The Black Cat† short story’s writing has a morbid effect on readers and describes the torments of guilt. In â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† Poe explores the effects of the subconscious mind, the suppressing of guilt and the narrator’s guilt forcing him to confess.† â€Å"The Black Cat† is written with violent language to create a grotesque effect onRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart And The Black Cat1612 Words   |  7 Pagesdifferences in his works. In two of his works, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat†, he uses the fatalities of his mother and wife to write two great stories. Although â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat† by Edgar Allen Poe seem similar on the surface because of the happiness in the beginning of the stories and the murders by the end, whereas they both represent the pain Poe dealt with in their own way. In both â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat†, both main characters murder innocent peopleRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart And The Black Cat1612 Words   |  7 Pagesdifferences in his works. In two of his works, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat†, he uses the fatalities of his mother and wife to write two great stories. Although â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat† by Edgar Allen Poe seem similar on the surface because of the happiness in the beginning of the stories and the murders by the end, whereas they both represent the pain Poe dealt with in their own way. In both â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat†, both main characters murder innocent peopleRead MoreThe Black Cat And Tell Tale Heart936 Words   |  4 Pagesbroad narrative.† I agree with what Lovecraft has to say about Poe’s protagonist. In each of his stories like â€Å"The Black Cat† and â€Å"Tell Tale Heart† both of these stories have such an amazing horror into them but when you start reading more about the main characters you realize that all his main characters always do make the same decisions including â€Å"The Raven†. Starting off With Tell Tale Heart, in the beginning, the narrator of the story is shown as a caring person who allowed the old man to leaveRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart And The Black Cat2133 Words   |  9 Pages First Draft Essay: â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat† Everyone hits rock bottom or hits that breaking point in their lives. For some people it may be sooner than others. Our actions can be justified in some ways, where it depends on the person’s mental state, physical state, or emotional state. Additionally, we always try to find a reason on why our actions may be perceived to be right in our own eyes. In â€Å"The Black Cat† and â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† Edgar Allan Poe demonstrates the conceptRead MoreLigeia, The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat618 Words   |  3 Pages Edgar Allen Poe’s stories written from the narrator’s point of view, â€Å"Ligeia†, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†, and â€Å"The Black Cat† are moving and vivid with many details that brings us into the stories and keeps our attention but the eerie strange mad happenings and narrator thoughts, often keep the reader flip flopping with determining and questioning the sanity of the narrator and what is real and unreal. The stories narrators do not identify themselves or leave gaps in who they are which givesRead MoreEssay on A Comparison of The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat832 Words   |  4 PagesA Comparison of The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe was an American poet and writer who is regarded as a master of the macabre, focusing on the horror genre with themes of death and insanity being explored throughout his work. Many traits of his main characters, such as the alcohol abuse of the protagonist in The Black Cat are borrowed from his own experiences, with the demons of drugs and alcohol eventually driving Poe to his death. His stories inRead MoreA Comparative Essay On The Tell Tale Heart And The Black Cat1090 Words   |  5 PagesA Comparative Essay on The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat By Annaliese Zmegac 10 White Edgar Allen Poe illustrates his narrators from The Black Cat and The Tell-Tale Heart in a certain light. The portrayal of the narrators through symbols of a heart and dark and night which give the audience an easier understanding because of the implications surrounding these particular symbols. The narration indicates various things about elements of the the narrators like their insanity or even their stabilityRead MoreSimilarities Between The Tell Tale Heart And The Black Cat946 Words   |  4 Pagestuberculosis. Two of these stories were titled â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat.† In â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† a man kills another man because his eye made him feel weak and fragile. He hid the body in the floor only to be found out later because his own heart and mind were beating so hard he couldn’t take the guilt and admitted to the murder. Then, in â€Å"The Black Cat,† a man rips the eye out of his own cat then later hangs it. After that, he finds another cat who looked just like the last and when he

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